Miracles in Prosperity - Set of 7 Guided Meditations on Wealth and Abundance
by Robin Duncan (Reg. $9.95/ea., or Package Bundle of 7 for $44)
1 - Physical Wealth
2 - Emotional Wealth
3 - Spiritual Wealth
4 - Personal Wealth
5 - Family Wealth
6 - Career Wealth
7 - Global Wealth
Listen to these calming and gentle Guided Meditations that help you release your barriers to wealth and claim your God-given Natural state of Abundance. It's time to let go of the old limiting beliefs
about lack, scarcity, and struggle and make room for what is rightfully
In these relaxing Guided Meditations, I include Prayer, Guided Imagery, and
the powerful spiritual principles of A Course in Miracles to help you turn inward and
reclaim what is rightfully yours. In order to experience a life of
abundance, it must first be claimed and known within you. Let's make
time to do this together.
create experiences. The concepts of Fear, Lack and Scarcity are being
given too much "floor-time" in our collective mind and this is delaying
the experience of the Peace, Wealth and Abundance that is rightfully
It's time to take the floor back and to make room "as one united front" for
all of the abundance that is our God-given birthright.
Accessing the Guided Meditations
You will receive an email with the Audio Links to all 7 Guided Meditations on Wealth and Abundance shortly after you make your purchase.