Guided Meditation for I AM DIVINELY GUIDED (8.36 mins)
based on the principles of A Course in Miracles
In this brief meditation on truth, Robin Duncan will help you quickly calm your mind, center yourself, focus on prayer and listening, and reclaim a sense of inner peace. Once your mind is calm, this will help you to turn inward and listen for Divine Guidance. Every answer is within you. The highest part of your mind is clear, capable, and eager to assist you.
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The goal of these meditations on truth is to help you to see your situation and yourself as healed and whole, such that the means for this healing can be given you. Some of the affirmations used in these meditations may seem higher or more positive than your present condition, situation, or state of mind. It is helpful to think of these positive affirmations as seeds being planted in a garden. Nourish these seeds in your mind and they will grow and flourish, bringing you your bountiful harvest.
Be sure to make a reservation for a peaceful outcome in your situation for everyone involved. Then, step back (in your mind) and allow the details to unfold at the direction of the One Who Knows what needs to happen - to serve the best interests of everyone involved.
Your part is to quiet your mind and invite Higher Consciousness to guide you. Your Higher Consciousness will then guide you and accomplish the healing on your behalf.
It is helpful to repeat this
meditation as often as needed to neutralize your fearful thoughts. As
you quiet your mind (with help from this brief meditation), this will help you to hear divine guidance from your Higher Consciousness. You will be guided on what to do
and what steps to take.
This is a time for listening and faith. We join you in your willingness to trust that everything will work out peacefully for everyone involved.
"There is no order of difficulty in miracles." ACIM Ch.1.1